Friday, April 26, 2024

Do And Don Ts After Hernia Surgery

Dos & Don’ts After Umbilical Hernia Surgery

Doâs & Donâtâs after Laparoscopic Surgery | Wound healing Tips -Dr. Nanda Rajneesh| Doctors’ Circle

A hernia occurs when an individuals intestines protrude or bulge through the abdominal wall through the belly button or around the area. Umbilical hernias are more prevalent in people who are overweight, and they can also affect pregnant women during or after pregnancy. When left untreated, it can become larger and cause discomfort. Surgery is normally the recommended treatment option and one can undergo umbilical hernia surgery in Huntington Station. Below are our recommendations for what to do, and what not to do, after umbilical hernia surgery.

How Well Inguinal Hernia Surgery Works

An inguinal hernia is an abnormal opening that forms in the inguinal canal close to the groin. The hole allows abdominal fatty tissues or parts of the bowel to protrude, causing a bulge in the groin. It doesnt repair on its own without surgical intervention, though surgery is not always necessary for hernia.

There are several types of surgery to repair inguinal hernias. The main ones are laparoscopy and open surgeries. Each type has pros and cons. But in general, both are safe and the recurrence rate is low, especially if the operation is done by experienced specialists.

Laparoscopic operation for hernia repair is different from open surgery in the following ways:

  • Laparoscopic involves several small incisions instead of one large incision.
  • Even for inguinal hernias on both sides, laparoscopic operation can repair them without needing to make more incisions. But for open surgery, it requires a second large incision.
  • General anesthesia is required for laparoscopic repair. Open repair for hernia can be performed under general, spinal, or local anesthesia.
  • Dos And Donts For A Successful Hernia Surgery Recovery

    Most people wont be able to experience any negative long-term effects after having a hernia repair surgery.

    In fact, the surgery is bound to improve any hernia-related pain and discomfort you were having before.

    However, it is still important to follow your surgeon on how to spend your recovery time. You might want to take note of these things:

    Physical Activity

    Patients may feel confused or tired for up to three days following a hernia repair surgery. This may be a side effect of the anesthesia or pain medicine.

    It is important not to engage in strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for at least around four to six weeks. Lifting at the early stage of recovery may cause hernias to come back. Strenuous exercise should wait until after 6 weeks of recovery.

    Patients should also avoid lifting anything heavier than 15 pounds for around two weeks after your surgery, or as advised by your surgeon.

    For about two weeks after the surgery, patients may also feel easily fatigued or worn out. These may put a limit to your activities as well.

    Do not do anything that may cause you pain. Sexual intercourse may also be possible in about three weeks.


    Recovery after hernia repair does not require any specific diet restrictions.

    Some patients may notice having a poor appetite 1-2 weeks after surgery. This can be your normal response from the stress of the operation. Your appetite should come back in no time.

    Returning to Work


    Taking Care of Your Wound

    Bowel Movement

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    Be Patient If You Cant Immediately Have A Bowel Movement

    It is a very frustrating feeling whenever you are constipated, and it is even worse when you are recovering from hernia surgery and constipated. That is why the best advice we can give is to try and prevent constipation before it begins. Make sure you are eating fiber-rich foods and drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your surgery, and continue to do so after your surgery. Also, talk with your surgeon about taking a stool softener after surgery. They should be fine with this and if so, it can go a long way in preventing constipation. If you do get constipated, do not try and strain to have a bowel movement though as this could do damage to your recently repaired hernia. Do your best to relax, try some of these tips and hopefully you will be able to have a bowel movement soon after.

    How Quickly Can I Get Back To My Normal Activities After Hernia Surgery

    Hernia Recovery
    • You will be asked to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, operating heavy machinery or caring for young children for 48 hours after surgery until the anesthesia has completely worn off.
    • You can return to light activities such as housework and shopping after a couple of days.
    • Generally, patients can start driving again when they can make an emergency stop without any pain or discomfort. For patients who have laparoscopic or robotic surgery, this will be anywhere from a couple of days to two after surgery, while patients who have open surgery may need more time to recover before driving again.
    • Gentle exercise, such as walking, can help you heal faster.
    • Avoid lifting anything heavy or performing strenuous activities for at least four weeks. Sexual intercourse is permitted when you feel readygenerally, around two to three weeks post-surgery.

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    Recovery Time After Hernia Surgery Varies Based On Factors Such As:

    • Type of hernia you have.Inguinal hernias are the most common type of hernia and generally have fewer complications.
    • Type of surgery you had.Generally, people who have laparoscopic or robotic hernia surgery recover quicker than patients who have open surgery.
    • Your age.Younger patients typically heal faster than older ones.
    • Your overall health. Relatively healthy patients tend to heal quicker than ones with co-existing conditions.
    • The experience level of your hernia surgeon. Research shows that having hernia surgery with an experienced hernia surgeon lowers your risk of adverse events.

    When To Call The Doctor

    If you have mild pain while moving, then its normal. Avoid any activity which you think can be a bad idea. It is important that you listen to your body. For severe pain or vomiting that wont stop, call your doctor immediately.

    Want to add something in the above list? Drop your suggestion in the comment section below!

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    Precautions After Hernia Surgery

    If youre having hernia surgery, you probably have a lot of questions about the recovery process.

    Your first question might simply be: When will I be able to leave the hospital or surgery center? Its different for everyone. But youll likely be able to go home once your pain is under control and you can empty your bladder and pass gas.

    Your doctor will give you discharge instructions and review any specific precautions you need to take.

    But what precautions after hernia surgery are most common? What is a typical recovery and return to activity like for most people? And most importantly, how will you know if something is truly wrong?

    The specialists at the UPMC Comprehensive Hernia Center have offered some basic recovery tips and warning signs for hernia surgery patients.

    When Can I Have Sex

    Abdominal Hernia Surgery Recovery Time–How Long Until You Feel Normal?

    No matter what type of hernia you have or what type of surgery is used to correct it, you can expect some soreness and swelling for at least a few days following the procedure.

    The anesthesia may also leave you easily fatigued for a week or two. It wouldnt be too surprising if you didnt feel up to having sex for a while.

    Your doctor may recommend that you avoid sex for a few days to a few weeks, depending on:

    • the location of your hernia
    • type of repair surgery
    • your age and general health
    • whether there were any complications during the procedure

    There usually arent any restrictions on sexual activity after a laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia. Youll probably have some discomfort around the incision site for a week or two.

    For men, the scrotum may be discolored, tender, or significantly swollen after surgery. The swelling should subside within a week. You may be able to resume normal activity, including sexual intercourse, in as little as a week, but it can take longer.

    Generally speaking, if you want to and it doesnt hurt, its OK to have sex after any hernia repair surgery. But if its painful or uncomfortable, stop and give your body more time to recover.

    • the upper stomach/diaphragm

    The location of your hernia may play a role in your recovery time.

    If your hernia was repaired in open surgery, your doctor likely made a large incision near the hernia to repair the weak area.

    Either type can be done with or without the use of surgical mesh.

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    Talk To Your Doctor About A Laxatives

    Laxatives are a more extreme approach to the stool softener and you should consult with your surgeon before you use a laxative. While stool softeners just soften your stool, laxatives act as a stimulant and force you to have a bowel movement. Laxatives are pretty effective at getting you to have a bowel movement, but they do have side effects. Laxatives should be a last resort and you should check with your doctor before taking one.

    What Should You Do To Prepare For An Inguinal Hernia Repair

    You should see a doctor as soon as you notice any signs or symptoms of a hernia. If surgery is required, the doctor will recommend you to a surgeon.To your doctor, you should always bring a list of your prescriptions and medications.

    Its also critical to know which medications you need to stop taking before the surgery. You can also discuss the procedures with your doctor, depending on your medical situation. On the night before your surgery, your doctor may advise you to stop eating. To prevent walking after surgery, its best to arrange a cab ahead of time.

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    Do’s And Don’ts After Inguinal Hernia Surgery

    An inguinal hernia, sometimes known as a groin hernia, is the painful protrusion of your abdominal organs through a weak area in your groin. They are fairly common and occur mainly in men.

    Inguinal hernia surgery is available for those suffering from this condition, and involves a laparoscopic surgery, helping to relieve discomfort and prevent further complications.

    Were going to look at some of the things you should and shouldnt do when it comes to aiding your recovery after inguinal hernia surgery.

    What Are The Procedures For Treating An Inguinal Hernia

    Things to Dos and Don

    When you have a hernia, surgery is the best option since it is a quick way to get rid of it. The two types of hernia repair surgeries are open hernia surgery and laparoscopic surgery.

    A cut in the pubis is used to detect the hernia sac during open hernia repair surgery. The surgeon then sutures the wound to reinforce the abdominal wall after pushing the sac into the abdomen. Its a quick procedure, and most people may go home the same day.

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    Inguinal Hernia Surgery Post

    After surgery is complete, patients can expect to spend one to two hours in the recovery room for observation while the effects of sedation wear off. Once awake, Dr. Khosravi assesses each patients surgical site, vitals, and their ability to move and walk without assistance. Before going home, patients receive a custom personal inguinal hernia surgery recovery plan.

    Everyone responds differently to surgery. The first 48 hours after inguinal hernia surgery is when patients can expect to experience the most discomfort and soreness. They may also experience a significant reduction in GERD symptoms after the procedure. It is common for patients to experience mild fatigue, nausea, pulling sensations and pain, and discomfort at the surgical site and surrounding areas as they heal.

    The Type Of Surgery And Recovery Time Is Related

    A hernia occurs when a muscle starts weakening and results in swelling or bulging of the abdomen. It occurs in most women after a C-section delivery as the back of the naval is weak and delicate. In men, a hernia is usual in the groin muscles. We can treat hernia easily with a simple surgery.

    There are two types of hernia repair surgery. One is through the laparoscopic method, where we make a few incisions near the spot to repair it. This surgery takes less time to recover.

    The conventional hernia repair surgery takes pace by making long and deep cuts in the abdomen. As a result, it takes a little longer to repair.

    You should follow your doctor for the recovery procedure.

    Have queries or concern ?

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    Can I Use The Indian Toilet After Hernia Surgery

    Another common practical question that we face from a patient is, Sir, I have only an Indian toilet at home, can I use it? I have undergone hernia surgery, Is it safe to use an Indian toilet? The answer to this is, Yes. Squatting does not increase the chance of a hernia surgery failure. Indian toilet can safely be used by patients who have undergone hernia operation. Especially if the patient has undergone laparoscopic hernia repair, they are free to use both Indian and western toilets. If the patient has undergone an open operation for a very large hernia and the patient is overweight, during the initial phase of recovery, using an Indian toilet might be slightly difficult because of their inability to squat and to be able to get up from that position.

    Recovery After Inguinal Hernia Surgery

    80 Day Followup After Umbilical Hernia Surgery

    You will wake up from general anesthesia in the recovery room.

    Any immediate discomfort will be managed by the anesthesia and recovery room nursing teams.

    While in the recovery room, you may experience immediate postoperative nausea, pain, dizziness, and fatigue. These will all fade quickly. If you had general anesthesia, your throat may feel sore for up to 3 days. This is from the breathing tube, and can be managed with lozenges or tea with honey. If you did not have general anesthesia, you will not experience this.

    While in the recovery room, the nurses will monitor your vital signs, and eventually get you up from the stretcher into a chair, and then provide you with something light to drink. Within about 2 hours after surgery, you will be able to stand and even walk slowly.

    You may be discharged after being able to void and drink liquids without significant nausea or vomiting, and after being able to walk without any dizziness. The average patient is discharged 3-6 hours after the surgery ends .

    We recommend no driving for the first 2-4 days, and certainly dont drive while taking pain medication.

    You may resume your normal diet when you are ready.

    Activity: You will be able to stand, walk, and climb stairs with some mild discomfort starting the same evening of surgery.

    You may shower the first day after surgery, but no bathing or swimming for 5 days.

    The majority of patients report that they are able to return to work without restrictions after 3 7 days.

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    Managing Pain After Surgery

    Over-the-counter pain medicines such as Tylenol can sometimes control pain after hernia surgery. Some patients may need a stronger pain medicine.

    Doctors may prescribe opioids or narcotics . Patients may only need stronger drugs for the first two days after surgery.

    Pain medicines have several side effects including nausea, constipation and sleepiness.

    Dos And Donts After Umbilical/inguinal Hernia Surgery

    Here is a list of instructions that can help recover fast and without any complications after an umbilical hernia repair.

    • Do not consume alcohol, operate any machinery or sign any legal documents for 48 hours until the effects of general anesthesia wear off.
    • To get relief from the pain, take over-the-counter painkillers prescribed by the doctor.
    • Avoid straining or stretching as this can put pressure on the wound.
    • Do not lift heavy weights or perform any strenuous activities for the initial days of recovery. But as you start lifting heavy objects, use your knees and back and not the abdominal muscles.
    • Perform the right exercises such as walking that helps to speed up the recovery.
    • Avoid taking a shower or bath for at least two days.
    • According to your physical comfort, you can ask your doctor when you can resume sexual activity.

    Let pain be your guide. This means that if you feel pain or discomfort after performing any such activity, simply stop doing it.

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    After Inguinal Hernia Surgery Dos And Donts

    Do rest. Proper rest is important, and patients should pace themselves. It is advisable to take a week off from work, school, or other physically strenuous obligations. Most inguinal hernia repair surgery patients can resume nonstrenuous work activities, exercise, and light household duties by the following week.

    Dont remove the dressing on the wound without medical clearance. The dressing needs to remain in place for at least 24 to 48 hours after the procedure to minimize the risk of infection.

    Do stay active, but dont overdo it. Surgery is a major procedure that requires patients to rest and take it easy during their recoveries. To promote proper healing, patients should try to remain as active as possible without overlooking their post-op care needs. Short walking and stair climbing sessions can help.

    Dont lift more than 10 to 20 pounds during the first few weeks after surgery to avoid stressing the abdominal muscles, groin area, and hernia repair. Avoid sexual activity until given the okay to resume.

    Do maintain a healthy diet. Proper nutrition is key before and after any surgical procedure. Inguinal hernia repairs are no different. Increase fluid intake and consume more fruits and vegetables to maintain proper digestive and bowel function. Initially after the procedure, there may be a delay in the ability to pass gas and stools. Stool softeners can help.

    Do attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Khosravi.

    Warning Signs After Surgery

    Dos and Don

    In case you notice any of the following, call your doctor and seek immediate medical care:

    • Your pain sustains even after taking medicines
    • Your incision comes open or has got your stitches loose
    • You find bright red blood-soaked discharge in your bandage
    • You have loose stitches, or your incision comes open.
    • Your stomach seems sick or you cannot drink fluid
    • You find signs of a blood clot in your leg . It may either result in pain in your calf, back of the knee, thigh, or groin or redness and swelling in your leg or groin.
    • You are unable to pass stools or gas.
    • You see symptoms of infection. It may be in different forms such as:
    • Excruciating pain, swelling, warmth, or redness
    • Red streaks leading from the incision area
    • Pus draining from the incision
    • A fever

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