Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Things To Do Before Tummy Tuck Surgery

Request Time Off Work

Tummy Tuck Tips (For Before, During, and After Surgery) and Q & A!

The more notice you give your employer, the better. If you have unused vacation days or other paid time off, this would be a good time to use it. Try not to plan surgery during a busy time of year at work. Slow periods are best so that your employer is more likely to approve your request for time off.

How much time to ask off work

You may be wondering how much time you need to take off work for a tummy tuck. The guidelines below are general recommendations. This can vary based on your occupation. For example, sedentary workers can return to work sooner than someone who performs physical tasks, frequent bending and/or lifting.

  • Mini Vaser Lipo Abdominoplasty Return to work in 10 days to 2 weeks
  • Full Vaser Lipo Abdominoplasty Return to work in 3-4 weeks
  • Extended Vaser Lipo Abdominoplasty Return to work in 3-4 weeks
  • Body Lift Return to work in 3-4 weeks

Preparing For A Tummy Tuck

According to our surgeon, Dr. Doug Leppink, one of the best things you can do to prepare for a tummy tuck is to be at a healthy, stable weight you can comfortably maintain. You should not train for a tummy tuck, but its important to feel you are in your overall best health. He also stressed the importance of fueling your body with good nutrition such as low fat and high protein foods, especially in the weeks prior to surgery. Dr. Leppink also says having a dependable support person is incredibly vital to your recovery. You will not be able to care for yourself for the first week or so following your surgery.

Feeling fully prepared for your tummy tuck will make the experience much less stressful and can actually aid in speeding up your recovery. To help with the preparation, we have put together a checklist of things to do before your tummy tuck:

How Much Does It Cost To Get This Procedure

The cost of a tummy tuck surgery varies based on numerous factors. The surgeon will consider all of your needs before putting together a quote for this procedure. The factors that are typically considered are the costs of anesthesia, operating room time, and any additional procedures that might be recommended in addition to the tummy tuck itself. Since this surgery can be performed in several different ways, the cost may also vary by the technique used.

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Choose A Qualified Surgeon

Part of preparing for tummy tuck surgery, and the most important step, is choosing a surgeon. The surgeon you choose to perform your surgery will be critical to your results so use careful consideration and choose a highly-skilled, board-certified surgeon who has vast experience in the type of tummy tuck you will be having.

During your initial consultation with the surgeon, it is important that you discuss your expectations.

  • Let them know why you want abdominoplasty surgery and what end result you hope for
  • Point out the areas that bother you so you will both be on the same page as far as what is and is not possible through a tummy tuck
  • It is important for you to discuss not only the benefits but the risks and any resulting scarring that may occur.

During the initial consultation for your abdominoplasty the surgeon will:

  • Obtain some medical history be ready to provide any information regarding current or previous medical conditions, past surgeries, and any medications you have recently taken or are still taking
  • Do a physical exam the surgeon will be able to determine which type of tummy tuck is best for your situation and provide any pre-surgery directives to help you with how to prepare for a tummy tuck
  • Take some pictures of your abdomen for your medical record.

Being well informed when preparing for a tummy tuck should make your experience less stressful and your recovery smoother.

What To Eat After Tummy Tuck Surgery

What to buy before tummy tuck surgery to prepare yourself and your home ...

There are no specific restrictions about what to eat immediately after a tummy tuck. Patients should try to keep their diets light for the first several days. Continue to eat nutritious meals that are easy on the stomach. Whole-grain cereals, yogurt, soups, and soft cheeses are always good choices. Protein shakes are also packed with the protein you need to support your recovery. Try to develop smart eating habits youll be able to stick with on a long-term basis. This includes avoiding processed food and learning about portion control.

Other tips that help with recovery after body contouring surgery:

  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can put you at risk for complications and stall your recovery. Keep a full water bottle by your rest area at home.

  • Avoid salty foods: Salty foods cause unnecessary bloating and inflammation, which can make recovery uncomfortable.

  • Avoid sugary foods: Foods high in processed sugar do nothing to help recovery. Patients craving something sweet can eat something fruit-based instead.

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Find A Comfortable Resting Space

Immediately after the surgery, youll need to rest as much as possible so your body can heal and rebuild its strength. Make sure to isolate a specific room in your home where you can relax and rest as you recover from the abdominoplasty. Your bed should have ample pillows so you can relax comfortably, or more preferably a recliner. Stock up with your favorite TV shows, magazines, and even novels so youll be able to kill the boredom during the long hours of recovery.

Your Complete Guide On Tummy Tuck Healing And Recovery

January 7th, 2023 by Candis Hall

Pregnancy, aging, and weight fluctuations can significantly alter the appearance of your midsection. Excess fat and skin find a way of accumulating around this area, affecting our general appearance. Unfortunately, diet and exercise are unsuccessful in restoring our former curvaceous and youthful waist and shape.

  • Are there any potential risks associated with a tummy tuck procedure?
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    Anticipate Any Potential Scarring

    Scarring will depend on the type of tummy tuck performed and the length, location and number of incisions. Also, women who have previously undergone cesarean section may find that their existing scars are incorporated into the abdominoplasty scar. Scars do not disappear completely, and the scar from this procedure will take from several months to a full year to fade. To reduce scarring, it is imperative for patients to avoid subjecting the surgical incision to excessive motion or force during the healing period. Patients should ask their surgeon which steps to take to reduce scarring.

    The Best Foods To Eat Pre And Post Tummy Tuck

    Tummy Tuck Scar, Risks: Preparing for Surgery

    Tummy tuck surgery treats unwanted loose skin and fat pockets in your midsection. Even though a plastic surgeon should review the operation in detail, its important to learn what to expect, especially during recovery. Knowing what to eat before and after body contouring surgery in Houston, TX is an often overlooked part of the process.

    Even minor surgery can take a toll on your body. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Shenaq is here to make your time in recovery as seamless as possible. Learn more by reading below or scheduling a tummy tuck consultation at Plastic Surgery of Houston. Our dedicated professionals are happy to discuss which foods will benefit you the most.

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    Things You Should Do Before A Tummy Tuck

    Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery performed to tighten and improve the appearance of the patients abdomen. The procedure is commonly called the tummy tuck and it has increasingly grown in demand over the last few years as it is one of the easiest and safest methods that help patients get rid of excess skin and fat on the tummy area.

    Most of us are already aware of the fact that the surplus skin and adipose tissue located on the belly are very difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise. Abdominoplasty or mini abdominoplasty are two of the solutions that can really correct and improve the aspect of the abdominal wall.

    Ideal candidates

    Significantly overweight individuals who underwent a major weight loss and are now suffering from excessive skin and fat tissue can considerably benefit from abdominoplasty. However, their weight needs to be stable for at least six months before scheduling the procedure.

    The abdominoplasty can also be a part of the Mommy Makeover procedure as it can help the new mother get back to the pre-pregnancy body shape and also tighten the loose tummy muscles that can be caused by pregnancy. Again, it should be at least six months since they gave birth until they are eligible to undergo the surgery.

  • Ensure that you are eligible for the tummy tuck surgery
  • Your plastic surgeon will assess your medical and emotional condition, as well as the status of the tummy area and let you know whether you qualify for a complete tummy tuck or a partial tummy tuck.

    What Type Of Facility Do You Operate In

    Almost all cosmetic surgery is performed outside of a hospital. However, not all outpatient facilities are created equal. I perform all of my cosmetic surgery in The Surgical Specialty Center of Westchester, a state-of-the-art 4-operating-room, 11-recovery-bed ambulatory surgery center that meets the New York Department of Health standards for Hospitals under Article 28.

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    Full Healing Can Take Up To A Year

    The benefits from your tummy tuck will not be immediately noticeable. In fact, over the first several weeks, redness, bruising, stiffness and swelling are common. This will slowly resolve over the next four to six weeks and the results will start to show. However, residual swelling can linger for six months or longer. A temporary numbness or a loss of sensation along the incision line is normal, but will slowly resolve. While you should be feeling close to your old self after a few months, it can take a full year before the stomach has finished healing and the complete results of surgery can be seen.

    Whether you are thinking about a full abdominoplasty or a mini-tummy tuck, take your time and only put your trust in a board-certified plastic surgeon. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons offers a variety of tools to get you started towards your abdominoplasty, from informative animations to before and after photographs. Do your homework, then schedule a consultation appointment with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. With proper research and an experienced aesthetic provider, you can achieve the flat, taut abdomen you have been longing for.

    The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

    Stop Or Adjust Medications

    Ten Best Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

    Several weeks before your tummy tuck, you may be asked to stop or change some medications. This may include certain prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies and vitamins, some of which can impede healing. Certain medications and supplements, such as Vitamin E, for example, act as blood thinners and increase your risk of bleeding after surgery.1

    Dr. Beldholm will review your medications with you and let you know which ones must be discontinued or adjusted. It is important to tell your surgeon about any and all drugs you are taking.

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    How Can I Prepare For Tummy Tuck Surgery

    3 Minute Read:

    Tummy tuck surgery can be a life-changing experience. Abdominoplasty helps improve body contours by reducing excess skin and fat and tightening abdominal muscles. This results in a tighter, younger, and fitter-looking abdomen.

    In the weeks and days leading up to your tummy tuck surgery, there are several things you should do to make your surgery and tummy tuck recovery safer and easier.

    Things To Do Before Your Tummy Tuck

    Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is one of the most popular procedures in the United States, with over 120,000 performed in 2015 alone . Whether due to weight loss, pregnancy, or other factors, many women and men alike opt for a tummy tuck to remove and tighten excess skin and tighten loose muscle tissue in the abdominal area. But while this procedure can yield excellent results, there are a few things that you should consider doing before scheduling your tummy tuck.

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    Add Movement After A Tummy Tuck

    Following surgery, its normal to experience fatigue and discomfort, so youll want to rest. However, its important to get up and moving to get blood flowing properly in order to prevent blood clots and promote proper healing. This simply means walking around your home at regular intervals for the first few days followed by light walking outside for a bit of a longer period. Dr. Ortiz will discuss the proper amount of exercise and movement that will help you achieve the best results for your healing.

    Important Things To Consider Before Having Tummy Tuck Surgery

    How to prepare for a tummy tuck or liposuction? -Dr.Srikanth V

    For many of my patients, male as well as female, no matter how much they exercise and eat a healthy diet, they cant seem to get rid of excess weight in their midsection, especially if theyre middle age or older. If youre experiencing a similar situation in your life, a tummy tuck can be a great solution.

    An effective way to win the battle of the bulge

    Tummy tuck surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that takes loose, flabby skin that has lost its shape and elasticity and transforms it into a flatter, smoother, more toned abdominal surface. It also strengthens weakened stomach muscles, improves the look and shape of the belly button, defines the waist, creates a tighter abdomen, and enables clothes, bathing suits and lingerie to fit more comfortably and attractively. For a more beautiful body, a tummy tuck is just one of the many body sculpting procedures I perform. To learn more, click here.

    Note: A tummy tuck can significantly improve your body but will not completely transform your life

  • Examine your motivation
  • Before having a tummy tuck, it’s important for you to be realistic about your reasons for having this surgery:a) to lose unwanted fat and bulges in your midsectionb) to achieve a more sculpted, shapely silhouette. You should not expect this surgery to give you an entirely new life.

  • Manage your expectations
  • Be aware of your emotional state
  • Make sure you have a good support system
  • Have a clear idea of what you want
  • For more details, watch this short video

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    Am I A Good Candidate For A Tummy Tuck

    While there are no specific traits that dictate candidacy, proper physical health and realistic expectations can make the recovery process more seamless. Fundamentally, a candidate for a tummy tuck is someone who would like to remove excess skin around the waistline without affecting the belly button or abdominal muscles.

    The ideal tummy tuck candidate is in good physical and mental health and within 15 pounds of their ideal weight. In addition, they are a non-smoker and have realistic expectations about the outcome of their tummy tuck procedure.

    Just Say No To Smoking

    Smoking stains your teeth and causes premature aging, not really great ways to complement your tummy tuck results.

    Smoking is just a bad idea in general. Most plastic surgeons will require that you stop smoking for several weeks before having a tummy tuck. This is because smoking increases surgical risk factors, and can also inhibit your bodys ability to recover from surgery. As far as maintaining your results long-term, youll be working against your best interest if you choose to smoke.

    Its not that smoking will necessarily make you gain weight, but smoking can lead to health problems. Dealing with any one of them is definitely going to take your focus away from enjoying a slimmer figure. Plus, a smoking habit isnt exactly conducive to getting those regular workouts youll need to keep your waist slender.

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    Who Is A Good Candidate For A Tummy Tuck

    The best candidates for abdominoplasty are:

    • have saggy abdominal skin, loose muscle and excess fat which they want to get removed
    • within 20-30 % of their ideal body weight
    • have had significant weight loss leading to hanging skin of abdomen
    • men are also good candidates for a tummy tuck, especially if they have lost lot of weight.

    Things To Do Before Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

    Clinically proven Pros And Cons Of Tummy Tuck surgery


    The abdominoplasty procedure is a plastic surgery intervention used to tighten and flatten the abdomen of the patient. The procedure is also known as the tummy tuck and has become increasingly popular over the last years, as it is one of the safest and simplest methods to eliminate excess skin and fats in the abdominal area.

    We already know that the excess skin and stubborn fat tissue in the tummy area are resistant to diet and exercise. The tummy tuck surgery or, in some cases, the mini tummy tuck, are the only viable options.

    The ideal candidates for the tummy tuck

    Excessively overweight persons or those who went through significant weight loss but left with too much excess skin and fats can greatly benefit from a tummy tuck surgery. They are the ideal candidates for the tummy tuck intervention, once their weight has stabilized for at least six months.

    The tummy tuck is also known as mommy makeover precisely because it can help mommies regain figures affected by pregnancy weight gain as well as tighten weakened abdominal muscles. They are also good candidates for the intervention, but they must have given birth at least four to six months prior the intervention date.

    That said, here are five things you need to do before your tummy tuck procedure:

    1. Make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure

    2. Get ready for the surgery

    3. Find out all the details about the operative stages

    4. Get ready for the recovery period after the tummy tuck


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