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How Much Does Gyno Surgery Cost In Canada

To Be Performed And Not Performed On:

My Gynecomastia Surgery – Let’s Talk Cost
  • It has to be performed on any person who is physically, mentally and emotionally stable of any age except minors.
  • Having a firm and an elastic skin that can match and adjust the new body contours.
  • Surgery maybe discouraged for person who is obese or overweight unless they have first attempted to reduce the breast tissue via exercise or any other method.
  • The surgery may also be discouraged for person who either smokes marijuana or any other alcoholic products as they are not considered to be a good candidate for male breast reduction treatment.
  • Also the candidate maybe advised to quit steroids or any other drugs they consume to check if they breast reduces before considering surgery as an option.

Candidates For Male Breast Reduction

Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Michael Hromadka and Dr. Michelle Spring can perform surgery to correct gynecomastia on healthy, emotionally stable men of any age. The best candidates for surgery have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to the bodys new contours.

Surgery may be discouraged for obese men or for overweight men who have not first attempted to correct the problem with exercise or weight loss. Also, individuals who drink alcoholic beverages in excess or smoke marijuana are usually not considered good candidates for surgery. These drugs, along with anabolic steroids, may cause gynecomastia. Therefore, patients are first directed to stop the use of these drugs to see if the breast fullness will diminish before surgery is considered an option.

Why Should I Undergo Male Breast Reduction In Mexico

The primary reason most patients consider going to Mexico for male breast reduction surgery is the price: it is simply too expensive at home for most. In Mexico, where prices are considerably lower, you can have a great holiday and still save thousands of dollars on the cost at home.

Low prices in Mexico do not equate to a substandard service. Mexico is fast becoming one of the worlds leading medical tourism destinations with state-of-the-art facilities, medical expertise and an enviable choice of destinations, including stunning beaches, colonial cities and breathtaking countryside. The cost of medical treatments is less here, not because the quality is inferior, but because overheads in Mexico are not as expensive.

While standards are generally high, it is always wise to proceed with caution. Do a little research on your condition and dont be afraid to ask questions of your surgeon/doctor. Likewise, find out what you can about your doctor: qualifications, certifications, experience and professional memberships.

Medical Departures understands traveling abroad for surgery may seem daunting, so we have already pre-checked our doctors, verifying qualifications and memberships. We also visit clinics and take photos that are listed on our website, and collate patient reviews so our patients can choose for themselves with the knowledge they will be seen by reliable professionals.

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How To Choose A Gynecomastia Surgeon

The right choice of a gynecomastia surgeon determines the outcome and possibility of side effects. Due to this, it is essential to pick a doctor who will manage a procedure well. Always check these items while exploring a top gyno surgeon:

  • Practice. Doctors specialized in male breast reduction should have at least 3-5 years of performing gyno surgeries. So, always check a surgeons CV to find out how long they have practiced.
  • International training. Gynecomastia removal doctors who want to stay aware of the latest developments and techniques in plastic surgery participate in international conferences and training to improve their skills.
  • Reviews. Real patient feedback is the most trustworthy source to get reliable info about a doctor’s professionalism and service level in the clinic. However, check the patient reviews on the independent sources to avoid fake ones.
  • Before and after photos. Always ask a surgeon to provide before and after photos of patients who have already undergone gynecomastia surgery. After reviewing such images you will estimate how you will look after intervention.
  • Cost. Low prices may be attractive, but be wary of such tempting offers: some underqualified doctors often ask less fee to get new clients.

You can find at least the top 10 gynecomastia surgeons on this page. Please choose any of them to schedule a consultation or an appointment.

Recovery Following A Male Breast Reduction

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After your plastic surgery procedure, your chest will be wrapped to keep the skin firmly in place. You should arrange to have a friend or relative pick you up and stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.

You will feel some discomfort for a few days after surgery. Any discomfort you feel can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon. If you are currently looking after small children, plan for an alternative childcare arrangement during the first few days following your surgery to help limit the time you will need to spend on your feet. Staying quiet and resting during the days immediately following surgery actually speeds healing and helps achieve the best results.

As you recover from gynecomastia surgery, you will be swollen and bruised for a while in fact, you may wonder if theres been any improvement at all. To help reduce swelling, you will be instructed to wear an elastic garment continuously for 6 weeks. This garment is like a lycra undershirt and is not visible under clothing. Although the worst of your swelling will dissipate in the first few weeks, it may be three months or more before the final results of your surgery are apparent.

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Does Health Insurance Cover Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure performed to treat male with extra breast tissue. The goal is to reduce the size of the breast as well as the associated gynecomastia complaints. It is also necessary to improve the appearance of the chest. And, gynecomastia surgery is classified as a cosmetic procedure by the vast majority of insurance companies. Regrettably, this means that it may not be covered by your insurance. Insurance companies, on the other hand, do pay for gynecomastia surgery in some cases. For example, if the procedure is regarded medically necessary, it is more likely to be covered. Seek medical counsel about your options to confirm insurance.

Out Of Province Patients

Dr. Avi Islurs cosmetic surgery practice is growing with patients who travel across Canada for Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Winnipeg, MB. Most patients like to book well in advance, dont miss out on your preferred surgery date, call 204.813.0305 to reserve your consultation today.

We ask Male Breast Reduction patients to stay in Winnipeg, MB for 3 days. This will be discussed in detail during your Video Consultation with Dr. Avi Islur.

If you are an out of province patient, let us know so we can accommodate an appropriate time for your consultation and surgery date.

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Results From Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery can enhance your appearance and self-confidence, but it wont necessarily change your looks to match your ideal. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them frankly with your plastic surgeon.

The results of the procedure are significant and permanent. If your expectations are realistic, chances are good that youll be very satisfied with your new look.

Request a consultation using our online form or call our office at for more information about male breast reduction surgery. Logan Health Plastic Surgery is located in Northwest Montana, convenient to Whitefish, Bigfork, Flathead Lake, Columbia Falls, Lakeside, and Polson.

Recovery After Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery UK. How much does it cost..

Following your male breast reduction surgery, the anesthetic effects gradually subside as you recover in the post-anesthetic unit, monitored by our registered nurses. After the anesthesia has worn off, you will be able to go home accompanied by a friend or family member. Patients who have surgery performed with local anesthetic only can drive themselves home immediately. If liposuction is utilized, patients are supplied with a compression vest which is worn during the initial 3 weeks of healing.

Once at home after gynecomastia surgery, you should rest. You may perform non-strenuous activities such as watching television, making meals, and reading, but nothing more vigorous. The chest may be swollen and have visible bruising during the first 1-3 weeks. You should expect the chest to feel sore for 7-10 days your pain medication should be used during this time. A majority of patients return to work after 5-7 days.

At one week after surgery, you will see Dr. Tong to have stitches removed and your progress assessed. If a drainage tube was utilized at your surgery, it will be removed. You will likely be allowed to start light exercise at 1-2 weeks after surgery. Avoid strenuous activity until 4-6 weeks after surgery.

The chest may initially look fuller than before your procedure. This is entirely normal, as it takes between 1-3 months for the swelling to fully settle. As the swelling subsides, you will notice that the chest has a more natural look, feel, and shape.

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The Male Breast Reduction Procedure

Depending the type of surgery required, male breast reduction may be performed under local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or IV sedation. General anesthesia is most commonly utilized except in the most minor degrees of severity.

Gynecomastia correction is carried out by removing the unwanted tissues as dictated by the particular anatomy: fat tissue, glandular tissue, or excess skin. Dr. Tong carefully reshapes the patients chest so that it looks flat, but not scooped, with techniques that include Liposuction, glandular tissue removal, excess skin removal, and lifting of the soft tissues.

Near the end of surgery, Dr. Tong positions the operating bed so the patient is sitting upright. This allows his chest to be assessed in the most accurate manner while Dr. Tong makes surgical adjustments to achieve the best possible results. Once completed, he uses plastic surgical techniques to sew the incisions closed. A surgical drainage tube is often used, especially if the area of the glandular tissues extends beyond the areola. If utilized, the drainage tube exits from the same stab incision utilized for the liposuction. After the last stitches are placed, the patient is placed in a surgical chest compression garment and gently awakened from anesthesia.

What Is The Price Of Gynecomastia Surgery In The United States Of America

Medical treatment standards in the United States are very high. American healthcare is regarded as among the best in the world. However, many Americans cannot afford to pay their medical bills if they do not have insurance. And cosmetic surgery is one of the few medical specializations that is not covered by insurance. As a result, the United States is often regarded as the most costly country in the world for plastic surgery and a gynecomastia operation as well. The average price of male reduction surgery in the USA is $4,239.

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What Is The Recovery Time For Male Breast Reduction Surgery

After surgery, you will feel rather sore and tender, but will be given pain medication. The discomfort will last for a week or two, gradually easing. After a few days you should be able to recommence your daily routine and, if your job is not physical, be back at work after a week.

You will need to take things easy, not over-stretching or doing any heavy lifting, for at least a month. You should avoid exposing the scars to the sun for six months as it may change the pigmentation. It will be six months to a year before all the swelling has completely subsided and the full effects of the surgery are noticeable.

How Should I Prepare For Surgery

Gynecomastia Surgery Process &  Patient

You will first have a thorough consultation with Dr. Shenker to determine your goals. The Clinic’s Patient Coordinator will guide you through all the details of the planning process for your procedure, including scheduling and paperwork.

Aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs can cause increased bleeding, so you should avoid taking these medications for a period of time before surgery. If you are a smoker, you will be asked to stop smoking well in advance of surgery.

You are to have nothing to eat or drink for the twelve hours immediately before your surgery.

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How Much Can I Save On Male Breast Reduction In Mexico Compared To The Us And Canada

The average cost of male breast reduction in Mexico is $2,000. This is compared to around $4,000 in the United States, equating to a saving of 50% .

For the latest prices and a wealth of other useful information, check out some of our leading partner facilities in Mexico that offer male breast reduction surgery for international patients:

Discover more about the range of options available at our quality-checked clinics.

Ready to book? See below for ways to arrange an appointment, or if youd like to know more about Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Mexico then speak to our Customer Care Team. Or if you are ready to book your appointment, you can do so right here any time of the day or night, at no charge to you.

Kamb, Steve. How to Get Rid of Man Boobs: Step-By-Step Plan for Reducing Moobs Quickly. Nerd Fitness. 8 July 2019.

Medical Tourism in Mexico is Safer and Cheaper than You Think. Mapping Megan. Website accessed: 19 December 2020.

Male Breast Reduction. American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Website accessed: 19 December 2020.

Gynecomastia: Cost Around The World

If you are suffering from breast tissue enlargement you shouldnt be shy to come forward, you are not the only one. Various studies have indicated that 40%-60 males have enlarged breast tissue known as Gynecomastia in the medical world. This condition usually affects adolescent boys and even older males.

Before we talk about the cost of Gynecomastia around the world, let’s first look at its definition, causes, and what happens during the procedure.

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Who Is A Candidate For Male Breast Reduction

If you are a male with enlarged breasts, whether caused by growth of glandular tissue or fat accumulation, you may be interested in gynecomastia surgery. Men in the Toronto area who are troubled by any of the following conditions could benefit from male breast reduction surgery:

  • Men who have a small, firm dome of breast tissue just underneath the nipple
  • Men who have a small or moderate mound of breast tissue , with no significant skin excess
  • Men who have a large mound of breast tissue with significant skin excess / possible drooping

Male Breast Enlargement Can Be Socially Devastating Gynecomastia Surgery Can Greatly Change Your Life


Gynecomastia is commonly referred to as man boobs and gyno. Estimates of up to 20% of adolescent males are affected by this medical condition. In this condition, breast tissue develops and can enlarge into a significant mammary shape that has a feminine form. Affected men often have doming of the areola giving a puffy nipple appearance to the nipple-areola complex of the breasts. In most cases, the breast tissue is entirely normal and does not pose a risk to the affected individuals physical health. However, the psychosocial impact necessitates this condition to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, many misconceptions and unproven nonsurgical treatments are promoted. Gynecomastia surgery has been a proven and effective method of masculinizing the chest.

The spectrum of gynecomastia severity has been categorized into a grading system:

  • Grade I: Minor enlargement, no skin excess
  • Grade II: Moderate enlargement, no skin excess
  • Grade III: Moderate enlargement, skin excess
  • Grade IV: Marked enlargement, skin excess

Nonsurgical treatments such as exercise to build the pectoral muscles, special diets, and skin creams do not work. If a medical reason for the gynecomastia is identified, then treatment of the underlying health problem may be sufficient to treat the gynecomastia. However, the vast majority of adult men affected with gynecomastia will require surgery.

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What Happens After The Surgery Is Complete

Following a Toronto gynecomastia surgery, most patients feel slight tenderness and see mild bruising or swelling of the treatment area. The recovery is not usually described as painful but we do offer our patients prescription medications to help ease any discomfort.

When planning the recovery phase after surgery, we recommend our patients take 4-7 days off work. During this time, patients should be avoiding strenuous arm movements or exercise and continue light activity such as walking. More intense physical activities should be postponed until cleared by your plastic surgeon.

To assist with healing, patients are often advised to wear a supportive binder across the chest for 6 weeks.

It looks and feels somewhat like a large tensor bandage and can be hidden easily under clothing. The purpose of this garment is to reduce swelling and to help compress skin into its new shape, avoiding the formation of fluid pockets known as seromas. Light, lymphatic massages are a great addition to recovery care and can begin in the treated areas after 7-10 days, post-op. Finally, the scars will appear reddish and a little raised initially. However, throughout the first 3-6 months, scars can be expected to naturally fade and flatten. Your plastic surgeon can recommend additional methods for minimizing the appearance of scars.

The majority of recovery will take place within the first two weeks following surgery.

What Happens During Gynecomastia Surgery

We conduct a physical examination during your consultation to determine your customized surgical plan, which may include either local anesthesia with sedation or a general anesthetic. If your condition is caused primarily by excess fatty tissue, the surgeon may use liposuction, which involves inserting a thin hollow tube called a cannula. Fat is suctioned away using the cannula.

Another option is removing glandular breast tissue using a surgical technique called excision. The surgeon may also remove excess skin and reshape the breast during this procedure.

It’s important to research plastic surgery practices from London to Kitchener and throughout Southwestern Ontario to ensure you find the best plastic surgeon to perform your gynecomastia procedure.

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